Monday, November 23, 2015

I remember being in the clinic after having my baby, worrying about the extra weight I gained while pregnant. My brother, who was a registered dietitian, came in to visit, and I shared my concerns. He looked at me and said, it’s really simple — eat fewer food, use more calories.
(Shutterstock photo)
(Shutterstock photo)
And you know — despite all the diet programs, hype and ways we make it complicated — it boils down to that.
If you want to make diet and losing weight, shrink your portions and increase your training. Keep it simple. You don’t have to count calories, buy special meals or go on a special dietprogram. Just eat less, and exercise more.
Here are a few tips to help you get started in the New Year:
1. Make a healthy plate. Fill up half the dish with fruits and veggies — this eliminates an average of 250 calories per meal.
2. Have fruit for snacks. Save 60 percent of the calories by switching from junk chips (120 calories) to an apple (70 calories).
3. Choose calorie-free beverages. Save 140 calories per bottle of soda.
4. Do 30 minutes of exercise per day.Be active or walk three miles to burn 180 calories.
5. Downsize dessert. Bakery treats the size of your hand are about 600 calories. Downsize to a finger-sized cookie and save 400 calories.
6. Eat a healthy morning meals. Eat oatmeal instead of a bagel, fast food sandwich or a pastry, to save 200 calories.
7. Choose diet milk. Save 50 calories per cup everyday.
P.S. Take a look at the Paleo Grubs Book. With 470+ easy-to-prepare Paleo recipes in 17 comprehensive categories it is the only Paleo book you will ever need.